May 2024
For the first time in a few years, we have been able to continue our every-Monday vegetable distribution through May. Our dedicated volunteers stepped up and continued picking up and distributing fresh vegetables outside the Patagonia Senior Citizen’s Center, past our usual end-of-season date. They will continue as long as the supply of veggies holds out.
On Saturday May 11, at our usual monthly supplemental food distribution we handed out 94 food bags of perishable and non-perishable foods. This is an increase from the prior month. Our volunteers always prepare 100 or more bags to ensure we have enough on distribution day as demand sometimes varies.
On May 24, Food Bank Volunteer Lisa Filigenzi gave a tour of Food Bank premises to Kaley Kantor, Region Sr. Community Impact Consultant Western States Region, of the American Heart Association.
Ms. Kantor invited FB President Jim Staudacher to present at a conference on nutrition held in February 2024 and that presentation resulted in Ms. Kantor coming to Patagonia to tour our facility. Stay tuned as we may be collaborating on issues of interest to both the Food Bank and American Heart Association.
During these hot months we are incredibly grateful that our new facility has air conditioning. It makes the hard work done every month by our volunteers a little bit more comfortable. Because the warehouse and Office building have heat pumps, they keep us warm in winter too.
Thank you for your support of the food bank. Stay tuned for some exciting developments coming later this summer.