February 2025

Dear Friends of the Food Bank,

On February 8th, at our traditional monthly supplemental food distribution our volunteers distributed 111 food bags.  Accessing affordable eggs continues to be a problem as we are unable to access a steady, affordable supply.  Once prices come down and access becomes available, we will again offer this important protein food.

Our Monday veggie distributions outside the Senior Center in Patagonia (every Monday 10:30 to 11:30, look for our truck and tables) have been very popular despite uneven quality and variable availability.  Of course, we are at the mercy of the weather and vagaries of the Mexican harvest.  For part of this past month we enjoyed a nice variety of vegetables with the rest of the month being a challenge to bring good healthful produce to Patagonia from our partner, Borderlands Produce Rescue.  We will keep at it and things should get much better as we head into spring.

The outlook for food purchases in the near term is higher prices, however we are positioned to take advantage of every discount and price special available on the food items we purchase.  We analyze the price and availability of groceries every week to ensure we get the best bang for our donated dollars.

Planning is underway for our April holiday distribution (April 12)  that will include traditional foods such as ham, beans, corn, rice and potatoes that can be the basis of a sumptuous holiday meal for our clients.

Thank you so much for your support of the food bank especially as we approach the spring holiday.  Your ongoing thoughts and good wishes make life in eastern Santa Cruz County a joy to experience.
