June 2024
For the first time ever, through the efforts of our dedicated volunteers, we have been able to continue our every-Monday vegetable distribution in downtown Patagonia, through June, with no end in sight. Our volunteers travel every Monday to Nogales and pick up rescued produce for distribution from 10:30 to 11:30 am to the public. They never know what, if anything, will be available. Still, they persevere, bringing fresh seasonal vegetables to our community every week.
On Saturday June 8, at our usual monthly supplemental food distribution we handed out 78 food bags of perishable and non-perishable foods. This slight decrease in the number of bags distributed is a normal summer-time occurrence. Our volunteers always prepare 100 or more bags to ensure we have enough on distribution day as demand sometimes varies.
It seems the monsoon rains have come early, and we wish to thank our clients who persevere through rough roads, heat and inclement weather to pick up from the food bank every month.
As always, thank you for your support. Eastern Santa Cruz County is a wonderful place to live, due mostly to the sense of responsibility we have for each other’s welfare. We are proud to live and work here.